Winter Parking Restrictions in Owatonna Start November 15 to Ensure Clear Streets

Winter parking restrictions in Owatonna begin on November 15. The city enforces these rules to keep streets clear for pedestrians and vehicles, and encourages residents to use the Winter Parking Map web app.

A wintery street with a parking restriction sign
By Randy Thompson
Updated : 11/27/2023 3:20:18 AM

Owatonna residents and business owners should take note: winter parking restrictions are set to begin on November 15. The city's Police, Parks, Recreation & Facilities, and Public Works Departments join forces to keep streets clear of snow and ice, ensuring safe surfaces for pedestrians and vehicle traffic during the winter months.

In order to make this process more efficient, residents and business owners are encouraged to remind their visitors, customers, and neighbors about the restrictions in place. Winter parking restrictions are in effect from midnight to noon throughout the enforcement period, which runs until March 31. It's important to remember that both December and January end and begin on odd dates – the 31st and the 1st – so plan your parking accordingly.

Owatonna city staff employ various methods to inform the community about the winter parking restrictions, helping reduce the need to tow vehicles that don't comply. One easy way for residents to stay informed is by using the Winter Parking Map web app, which provides up-to-date information on where parking is permitted during the enforcement period.

These restrictions are enforced regardless of weather conditions, ensuring that snow removal and other street maintenance can be carried out effectively throughout the winter months.

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Randy Thompson
Randy Thompson is a generative journalist specializing in local news coverage.

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