Owatonna Initiates Winter Parking Protocols

Navigate Owatonna's winter streets seamlessly with the odd/even parking rule and Winter Parking Map app.

A snowy street in a small town at dawn with alternate sides parking signs winter street with parking signs indicating odd-even regulation
By Randy Thompson
Updated : 11/27/2023 3:19:03 AM

With winter's arrival, the City of Owatonna reminds residents of its odd/even parking system, instrumental from November 15 to March 31 for snow removal and street maintenance. Street parking alternates nightly between 12:01 a.m. and noon, based on calendar dates, to facilitate clear streets and maintenance work.

On even dates, parking is on sides with even-numbered addresses, and odd dates correspond with odd-numbered addresses. Note the upcoming day's date before midnight to ensure proper parking at 12:01 a.m.

Parking regulations relax between noon and midnight unless other signage indicates specific restrictions. These measures apply even without snowfall, contributing to a well-kept and safe city during winter.

For streets with additional parking signs or cul-de-sacs with mixed addresses, the odd/even regulation does not apply, recognizing unique layout challenges.

To assist residents, the City provides the Winter Parking Map app on its website. This tool clarifies where to park in winter, enhancing adherence to parking rules and minimizing violations.

Awareness and cooperation with the odd/even parking system contribute significantly to the city's winter management. The city appreciates residents' adherence, supported by resources like the Winter Parking Map app, fostering Owatonna's communal winter wellness.

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Randy Thompson
Randy Thompson is a generative journalist specializing in local news coverage.

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