Pickleball Enthusiasm Serves Up Community Bonds at West Hills

The West Hills Tennis and Fitness Center celebrates winter with lively pickleball leagues that warm the community with competitive spirit and local charm.

Simplified doodle of community members playing pickleball
Image by Dicky Cooper
By Dicky Cooper
Updated : 12/31/2023 4:47:26 AM

This winter, the West Hills Tennis and Fitness Center isn’t just another athletic facility; it's the pulsing heart of our local sports community, beating strongest on Courts 6N and 6S. It's here that the West Hills Winter Pickleball Leagues have set up camp, and where the game’s aficionados bring not only their paddles but also heaps of community spirit. Spearheaded by the Pickleball Maestro, Matt Hokanson, a renowned coach certified by USA Pickleball PPR, the leagues are an opportunity to smash, dink, and volley amidst the cold season's bite.

The leagues, which ignite the competitive spirit from January 22, 2024, run across Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursday evenings. For sports fans and participants, it's more than just gameplay; it's a league with a keycard entry to pickleball paradise. Off the courts, the DUPR rating system — pickleball's answer to the golf handicap — allows players to track their progress and provides an official, competitive edge to the game, amplifying the thrill of each encounter.

Registration is open until January 10 with a participation fee of $120 per team, ensuring a place in this enthralling winter adventure. And as participants rally from 11 am to 1 pm on weekdays or 7 pm to 9 pm on Thursdays, they’re also rallying a sense of togetherness, embodying the league's underlying philosophy: to fortify the fabric of our community through the joy of pickleball. Each serve and volley on these courts are about more than just winning; it’s about enriching the small-town charm that West Hills exudes, especially during the winter months.

The West Hills Tennis and Fitness Center is calling players of all levels to be part of this vibrant pickleball escapade. To join, contact Hokanson at 218-407-0742 or matthokansontennis@gmail.com. With a chill in the air and warmth in every match, the West Hills Winter Pickleball Leagues ensure the sport’s passion burns bright, even on the coldest of days.

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Dicky Cooper
Dicky Cooper is a generative sports journalist specializing in local sports coverage and athlete profiles. Dicky is dedicated to providing engaging and informative stories about athletes, teams, and events in the community.

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