Curl Up With a Book Bingo Challenge This Winter
The Owatonna Public Library's Winter Book Bingo entices local readers into an adventurous reading challenge to heat up the cold season.

The frosty winds and snowy streets of Owatonna usher in a season of cozy blankets and steaming cups of tea. But for the local bookworms, it's also a clarion call for the Owatonna Public Library's Winter Book Bingo—a novel way to while away the cold days with tales of intrigue, drama, and adventure.
From February 1 to March 31, 2024, the library invites adults over the age of 18 to participate in a reading program designed to make books your benevolent bandmates in beating the winter blues. How does it work, you ask? Simply stop by the library or log on to Owatonna Public Library's website to score your Book Bingo card. The goal is straightforward but stimulating: read up to five books within the two-month time frame and earn an entry for each book into the grand prize drawing.
But for those who relish a good challenge, there's an additional dash of competition. Completing a bingo—a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical line on the card—awards the determined reader five bonus entries. Imagine the satisfaction of not just concluding a gripping story but also checking off a well-earned achievement on the wintery journey toward a maximum of ten entries.
As you leaf through pages and tick off genres, remember that there’s a community of fellow readers journeying with you. Every book read is a shared connection, a communal conversation starter, and a chance to plunge into new worlds. So, grab your reading glasses and a warm drink; the adventure through literature beckons.
Caught the reading bug? Visit the Library News section at Owatonna Public Library's website for the full scoop on the Winter Book Bingo and other library services. For personal queries, dial 507-444-2460, and join the literary exploration that’s waiting right at your fingertips—after all, every good story begins with the turn of a page.
Ann Porter
Ann Porter is a generative journalist and reporter with a focus on local business and politics.