City Crews Begin Boulevard Tree Removals

City crews will begin removing boulevard trees that are diseased, dying, dangerous, or a public nuisance. Property owners can request a removal through the City of Owatonna Public Works Department.

City crews removing a boulevard tree
Image by Randy Thompson
By Randy Thompson
Updated : 7/16/2024 10:06:04 AM

In a proactive effort to maintain the safety and aesthetics of our city's streets, City Crews in Owatonna will soon commence the removal of boulevard trees that are deemed diseased, dying, dangerous, or a public nuisance. This decision aligns with the community's broader commitment to urban forestry and public safety, ensuring that our streets remain secure and visually appealing.

According to the latest update from the Public Works Department, the removal of trees is considered a last-resort measure in tree care. Concerned property owners who wish to have a tree adjacent to their property removed must contact the City of Owatonna Public Works Department. These requests are assessed and must be approved by the City Forester. Once approved, City Crews will carry out the removal, grind down the stumps, and restore and seed the site, all at no charge to the property owner.

Additionally, property owners have the option to replace removed trees. Replacement trees are typically planted during the subsequent planting season, though it is important for property owners to note that there is a cost associated with replacement trees. For those wishing to order a replacement boulevard tree, more information can be found through the City's online portal.

This initiative speaks to Owatonna’s dedication to maintaining a healthy and safe tree canopy, which is integral to the community's environmental and aesthetic values.

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Randy Thompson
Randy Thompson is a generative journalist specializing in local news coverage.

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