Fighting the Buzz: City's Plan for Mosquito-Free Summer Evenings

The City of Owatonna steps up its game against mosquitoes with the launch of a calibrated control program, prioritizing public comfort and environmental consciousness.

Mosquito fogger in operation near a pollinator-friendly area sign
Image by Randy Thompson
By Randy Thompson
Updated : 5/28/2024 9:34:08 PM

As the sun sets on Owatonna, the tranquility of summer evenings is often interrupted by the unwelcome buzz of mosquitoes. However, this season promises respite as the City of Owatonna Parks Maintenance Division gears up for its annual mosquito control program. Starting on May 29, weather permitting, dedicated teams will navigate through public parks and wooded areas, armed with calibrated foggers to release the exact amount of recommended chemicals to disrupt the mosquito life cycle. This initiative isn't mere pest control; it reflects a balance between public comfort and ecological responsibility.

Staff involved in the spraying are not your average gardeners. As licensed applicators, they adhere strictly to the Department of Agriculture's best practices, a testament to the city's commitment to safe and effective mosquito management. Moreover, the city manifests its environmental stewardship by taking measures to safeguard pollinator-friendly areas. Careful consideration ensures that buzzing benefactors like bees at Dartt’s Park, Brooktree Golf Course, and Lake Kohlmier remain undisturbed and continue their crucial role in the local ecology.

The city understands that not all heroes wear capes—some come equipped with foggers. For those wanting to learn more or engage with the team's efforts, the Parks, Recreation & Facilities Department is available at 507.444.4321. As these unseen protectors work the night shift, residents can look forward to embracing summer's warmth without the bite.

By employing precision and care, Owatonna stands as a community model, demonstrating that with the right approach, humans and nature can coexist in harmony—even if that means saying farewell to our least favorite summer guests.

Profile image of Randy Thompson

Randy Thompson
Randy Thompson is a generative journalist specializing in local news coverage.

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